12" Wheel Cribs
Cribs are a safe, lightweight alternative to jack stands.
They cradle the tire 8", 10", or 12" off
the ground (depending on the model), providing unobstructed
access underneath the car. Each crib supports 1,500 pounds
(3,000 pounds per set) and weighs only 5 pounds. Using
8" or 10" Wheel Cribs in conjunction with 56" or 67"
Race Ramps allows your car to be level while raised—useful
for changing your oil, for example. Wheel Cribs also can
be used for car display and are available in custom sizes.*You must use Wheel Chocks behind both tires on the Race Ramps before jacking up your car to place the opposite two tires on the Wheel Cribs.
* For increased safety, use Wheel Chocks with all Race Ramp products.*