Adjustable Height 12" Wheel Crib
Adjustable Wheel Cribs are a two-piece version of your standard
Wheel Cribs. Each crib comes as a stacked assembly of two interlocking
pieces of equal height. Their design allows the vehicle to be lifted in
incremental heights that provide clearance for a jack and a spacer. Each
set supports 3,000 pounds, yet each crib weighs only 7-10 pounds! They
can hold tires up to 12" wide with diameters from 25" to 30". You can
use one set as either two 8"/10"/12" cribs, or four 4"/5"/6" cribs when
the set is split (heights depend on which model you purchase).
*You must use Wheel Chocks behind both tires on the Race Ramps before jacking up your car to place the opposite two tires on the Wheel Cribs.
* For increased safety, use Wheel Chocks with all Race Ramp products.*