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Jay Racing Alternator Relocation Kit - 1G DSM

Jay Racing Alternator Relocation Kit - 1G DSM

Price:   $165.00

Date Added: 06/18/2007 by Chris Ginev
Fit and Finish
There are no issues that have been commonly associated with these kits (from a different vendor). There is plenty of room between the pulley and the frame rail. No "frame modification" is necessary. The kit is comprised of two CNC'd brackets and a tension arm that uses 2 heim joints as well as all mounting accessories and a new belt. All pieces are of great quality as seen in the pics.

Installation was a breeze. Using supplied and existing bolts the two CNC'd brackets are bolted to the block and then installation of the alternator is simple from the top. Took all of an hour including rewiring.

Overall Impression
I am extremely satisfied with the product. I was in the market for a relocation kit and have had some bad experiences with the "other" kit out there. I was thrilled to hear that someone else was developing one. I could not be happier with the quality of the product as well as the price.